UN-Government Joint Programme on Sustainable Charcoal Reduction & Alternative Livelihoods (PROSCAL)
The Joint Programme objectives directly contribute to the Priority 3 of the Peace and State building Goal on “Economic Foundations” of the Somali Compact. The Somaliland Arrangements in the Compact have specifically highlighted charcoal as one of the priority areas. The Programme, with a national coverage, is designed as a comprehensive response to address the root cause of environment degradation in Somalia that is critical for building the economic foundations on sustainable basis.
The Joint Programme structure rests on three main components with mutually supporting and organically allied interventions. All the interventions address either the demand or supply side of the charcoal value chain. The main activities under each component are:
Capacity Building & Regional Cooperation
Formulation and adoption of Regional Charcoal Policy Framework, Legally
Baydhabo(INO)- Aqoon is weeydaarsi ay soo qaban qaabisay Wasaarada bay’ada & daaqa ee Ee Dowlada Koofur galbeed Soomaaliya ayaa lagu qabtay Magaalada Baydhaba ee Xarunta Gobolka Bay.