Capacity Building & Regional Cooperation


Component 1 – Capacity Building & Regional Cooperation

  • Formulation and adoption of Regional Charcoal Policy Framework, Legally Binding Instrument and Rules of Business for Reducing Charcoal Production
  • Establishment of Monitoring Systems of Charcoal Production, Reporting and Movement in Somalia
  • Support to the development of enabling policies on Energy, Forestry and Natural Resources Management
  • Establishment of Charcoal Trade Regulatory Committee at the Regional Level
  • Capacity building of government institutions, communities and local governments
  • Mass awareness on the impacts of charcoal on environment, livelihoods and national economy

Programme for Sustainable Charcoal Reduction and Alternative Livelihoods
LPG Handover Ceremonies in Jubaland, South West, Hirshabelle& Galmudug

Read the report here

Urban centers, due to high population concentration and non-availability of firewood or any other alternative, are the main consumers of charcoal.Over 98% of the urban households use traditional inefficient charcoal stoves, and most of the rural and nomadic population use firewood and inefficient biomass stoves.

One of the specific objectives of PROSCAL project is to promote alternative sources of energy to reduce local consumption of charcoal. Hence, the activity carried out in Kismayo, Jubaland is part of the components of the project. A team from the Directorate of Environment and Climate Change (DG and/or Deputy DG of the Directorate, Senior PROSCAL Coordinator and a staff member of the Directorate) travelled to Kismayo, Baidao, Beletwein and Dhuusamareeb to handover.
